自然科学 & Mathematics

大学职业专家 自然科学学院 & Mathematics在新窗口中打开

安排预约在新窗口中打开 (面对面和虚拟)  

  • CSUF students and recent alumni (graduated within 1 year) can make appointments with me to discuss career planning and preparation, 找工作或实习, 采访实践, 研究生准备, and more. I also help students who are not sure what they can do with their major, or may want to find a different major or career. 我是来帮你的. 

Or you can visit my Drop-In Career Advising Hours (fall/spring semester only):

  • Tuesdays, 10am-11:30am at NSM In-Person  or Virtual 
    • In-Person: Student Success Center (McCarthy Hall 488) 
    • Virtual: Zoom Link only available through TitanNet
      • Instructions for using Virtual Drop-Ins: 
        1. Once Logged into TitanNet, goto Appointments (left-hand menu)
        2. 选择“预约”
        3. Choose "View Drop-In Times" under Other Options
        4. Under, What Type of Appointment of Appointment Would you like to schedule, choose "other Services" 
        5. 服务:选择你的大学上门服务 & 选择“查找可用时间”
        6. 选择就业中心
        7. Copy & Paste available Zoom Link into another browser or browser tab
        8. 选择网上签到办理登机手续
        9. TitanNet访问

自然科学 and Mathematics BrochurePDF File


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