Once a Titan, Always a Titan


Information for Returning Titans

We miss you!  Students leave the university for many reasons and return for many reasons as well. Your path to re-enrollment and continuing your educational journey begins here! If at any point along this process you have questions, please contact an advisor for assistance.  

Continue reading to determine which pathway best describes your situation and follow the links and instructions provided: 


If you have been out for just 1 semester:

  • You are still enrolled! You don't have to re-apply. Follow the rest of the steps in this section.
  • Visit your Student Portal  to check for any holds you may have and your registration appointment dates. Instructions on how to resolve particular holds will be listed on your student home page.
  • Visit the Academic Advisement Center or see a college advisorOpens in new window if you have questions regarding your readmission.
  • Visit the Registration websiteOpens in new window   for more registration information.
  • At least eight weeks in advance, ensure your financial aid application on file is for the academic year you plan to return.  You can fill out a  Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFAOpens in new window ) or California Dream Act (CDA) online.


If you have been out for more than 1 Semester, choose a scenario that applies to you:

I Left in Good Academic Standing


What does this mean?

  • Your CSUF and cumulative GPA are 2.00 or higher
  • For Financial Aid purposes: you were meeting Student Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAPOpens in new window ) when you withdrew.

I Left with Academic Difficulty


What does this mean?

  • You left on Academic Probation/Notice:  Your CSUF and/or cumulative GPA is below 2.00; or
  • You left on Academic Disqualification: Your GPA fell or is below the established minimum GPA by class level Opens in new window
  • For Financial Aid purposes:  your were not meeting Student Satisfactoy Academic Progress (SAPOpens in new window ) when you withddrew

Did you file a Grad Check before leaving?

For students who have already met Residency Requirements* for bachelor's degree completion at CSUF, and with fewer units needed to complete degree, please reach out to discuss the Reactivation Graduation Process with the Graduation UnitOpens in new window in CSUF Registration and Records at gradunit@glass-ink.com.

Many students will complete remaining requirements through Open UniversityOpens in new window at CSUF and applying for re-admission would not be required.

*Residency Requirements for the degree refers to the number of units that must be completed in an admitted status at CSUF (30 units) and additional units in one's major that must be completed in an admitted status.